I. Competition categories
Category A – Unlimited repertoire | Category E – Unlimited repertoire |
A1 – Children’s choirs (up to 16 years*) | E1 – String Orchestras |
A2 – Mixed choirs | E2 – Chamber Orchestras |
A3 – Female choirs | E3 – Symphonic Bands |
A4 – Male choirs | E4 – Symphony orchestras |
A5 – Chamber Choirs | |
Category B – Sacred repertoire | |
B1 – Children’s choirs (up to 16 years*) | |
B2 – Mixed choirs | |
B3 – Female choirs | |
B4 – Male choirs | |
B5 – Chamber Choirs | |
Category C – Folklore repertoire | |
C1 – Children’s choirs (up to 16 years*) | |
C2 – Adult choirs | |
C3 – chamber choirs | |
Category D – Non-competitive | Category D – Non-competitive |
D1 – Children’s choirs (up to 16 years*) | D3 – Bands and Orchestras |
D2 – Adult choirs |
*10% of choir members may be over 16 years of age, but not over 18 years of age.
II. Competition conditions
- 1. The Musica Orbis Prague Festival competition is open only to non-professional ensembles.
- 2. Age limit: The organizer has the right to request a list of performers with their dates of birth in order to correctly categorize the performers.
- 3. Competition categories: A chamber choir is considered to be an ensemble minimum of 12 and maximum of 24 singers.
- 4. Instrumental accompaniment:
- a. Choirs (categories A, B, C): at least one a cappella piece must be performed in all competition categories. An acoustic or electric piano is available in the competition hall. Other accompanying instruments must be provided by the
- b. Orchestras (category E): solo pieces are not allowed.
- 5. Scores and list of competition pieces: the list of competition pieces must include the full names of the composers, titles of the pieces, cycles of pieces and the minutes of each piece. The list must be sent to the organizer no later than 30th April 2023. The scores of the competition pieces will be sent in electronic version by e-mail no later than 30th April 2023. The competition pieces must be performed in the order indicated in the sent list of pieces and the festival brochure.
- 6. Competition programme: if the choir participates in the Musica Orbis Prague Festival in more than one category, a different programme must be performed in each category. Each piece may be performed only once in the Musica Orbis Prague Festival competition. The programme must include a piece by a Czech composer or a composer from the ensemble’s country of origin.
- a. Choirs (categories A, B, C): the competition performance must not exceed 15 minutes (including the arrival and departure of the choir).
- b. Orchestras (category E): the competition performance must not exceed 25 minutes.
- 7. Competition compositions: any unauthorized modifications or interventions in the compositions (including transpositions) must be announced in advance and recorded in the scores sent by the ensemble to the organizer.
- 8. Competition scores: the scores and their copies will not be returned, they will remain in the festival archives.
- 9. Apparatus, microphones, instrumental accompaniment: the absence of microphones and apparatus is a prerequisite in the competition categories.
- 10. Acoustic rehearsal in the competition hall:
- a. Choirs (categories A, B, C): the maximum rehearsal time is 10 minutes total time (including arrival and departure from the stage).
- b. Orchestras (Category E): the total time limit for the performance of ensembles is 40 minutes (stay on stage), which includes a maximum of 15 minutes rehearsal on stage in the competition hall without the presence of the jury and 25 minutes competition performance. The orchestra’s arrival and departure are included in the total time
If the time limit is exceeded, the organizer has the right to rehearse. The time of the acoustic test must be respected. If the participant does not keep the time set for the acoustic rehearsal, no alternative time can be set and the participant loses the right to the rehearsal.
- 11. Competition venue: upon arrival at the competition venue, the ensemble will immediately report to the competition registration, where they will be assigned a dressing room whose maximum length is limited according to the current occupancy of the competition venue – all participants are obliged to respect the time schedules of the competition venue and follow the instructions of the organizers.
- 12. Competition jury: the competition is represented by an expert jury headed by a chairman. Once the jury has given its decision, it is final and there is no possibility of appeal.
- 13. Judging system: each juror has a maximum of 30 points to award based on the following evaluation criteria:
- a. Choirs (categories A, B, C):
- Technical performance – vocal culture and singing technique, intonation, rhythm
- Interpretation – dynamics, tempo, colour, phrasing, stylistic interpretation, etc.
- Dramaturgy of the competition performance
- Overall artistic impression
- b. Orchestras (category E):
- Technical performance – harmony, balance of orchestra sound, intonation, rhythm
- Interpretation – dynamics, tempo, colour, phrasing, stylistic interpretation, etc.
- Dramaturgy of the competition performance
- Overall artistic impression
- a. Choirs (categories A, B, C):
- 14. The final score is determined by the average of the marks obtained from the individual judges. On the basis of the final score, the choirs are placed in the relevant scoring band (bronze, silver and gold). The score bands are not limited by the number of competitors placed.
25,00 – 30,00 | Golden medal |
20,00 – 24,99 | Silver medal |
15,00 – 19,99 | Bronze medal |
0,00 – 14,99 | Honorable mention |
- 15. Special Jury Prizes: the jury has the option of awarding a special prize for outstanding performances such as conducting, vocal technique, compositions, competition performance dramaturgy and other positive aspects of the performance identified by the Jury, either for the ensemble, choirmaster or conductor or instrumental accompaniment.
- 16. Documentation of the evaluation: each choir director or choir representative has the opportunity to interview the jury members after the announcement of the competition results to receive feedback.
III. General conditions
- 1. Registration: to register you must fill in the registration form by 30.4.2023
- 2. The registration fee must be paid within 14 days after the registration of the ensemlem, but no later than 14th May 2023. The registration fee is non-refundable. The registration fee includes:
- participation of the choir in the International Competition Musica Orbis Prague Festival
- participation in the announcement of the competition results
- competition diploma and medal
- participation of the choirmaster / conductor and the representatives of the ensemble in the social meetings with the jurors of the competition
- presentation packages for choir members and choirmaster
- online file presentation
- participation in accompanying concerts and performances in Prague
- participation in the opening concert
- participation in an exclusive concert of the Musica Orbis Concert Series at the Municipal House
- participation in the workshop
- participation in the official welcome to the councillors at the Old Town Hall
- the opportunity to accompany the Mass in St. Vitus Cathedral at Prague Castle with your singing
- 3. Competition repertoire: All participants must provide a list of competition and non-competition pieces with a copy of the score by 30.4.2023
- 4. Additional documents to be sent: all documents must be sent no later than 30.4.2023
- High quality colour file photo (at least 1000 px, 300 DPI)
- Colour photo of the choirmaster in high quality (at least 1000 px, 300 DPI)
- Biography of the ensemble (max 100 words) and choirmaster (max 70 words)
- 5. Accompanying the Mass in the Cathedral: For the accompaniment of the Mass in St. Vitus Cathedral, a composition of a spiritual nature is required. The title of the composition shall be sent by the choirs to the festival organiser together with the other scores by 30 May 2023.
- 6. Transport: the groups will arrange their own transport at their own expense.
- 7. Festival Packages: out of Prague participants are obliged to choose one of the festival packages with accommodation.
IV. Final provisions
- 1. The organizer reserves the rights related to the taking of video and audio recordings of festival activities, including their further processing and use. By submitting the application form, participants agree to the taking of images and sound recordings.
- 2. By submitting the application form, participants agree to the use of images and sound recordings by the festival organiser for documentary and promotional purposes, for publication of materials in the media and on the Internet.
- 3. Change of the festival programme reserved.
- 4. By submitting the application form, the participants declare that they have been informed of the above conditions of competitions and participation in the festival.
- 5. The personal data provided will be used solely to check compliance with the rules of the competition (age-restricted categories) and will not be disclosed to any third party. This data will be deleted after the end of the festival.
- 6. In the event of an adverse epidemiological situation or by government decree, the festival programme may be restricted or cancelled.

Category A – Unrestricted repertoire
Category B – Sacred music
Category C – Folklore
C1 – Children’s Choirs (up to 16 years of age*)
C2 – Adult Choirs
Category D – Non-competitive
D1 – Children’s Choirs (up to 16 years of age*)
D2 – Adult Choirs
Category E – Unrestricted repertoire
E1 – String Orchestras
E2 – Chamber Orchestras (with winds)
E3 – Symphonic Bands
E4 – Symphony Orchestras
Category D – Non-competitive
D3 – Bands and Orchestras